Fire n the hole
Fire-in-The Hole, Wood Fired Pizzas:
Located near the PPR Market in Jalandhar, Punjab, the Fire-in-The Hole has a North Italian feel. It largely reflects the Streets of Venice as one enters the space. It has a lot on the platter that attracts a creative person. Rustic Interiors and unique embellishments win the game. Be it be the coloured bulbs at the ceiling level, the coined interior wall, Herring and bone pattern flooring, semicircular blind arches depicting the Venice streets or the alternative patterns of stone cladding. All these elements blend harmoniously visually making the visitors travel to the origins while enjoying the cuisine. The colour combination of greys and yellow also create a magnificent feel and imparts an ethnic ambience to space. From a cultural viewpoint, this is an apt place to congregate, talk, and entertain one another in small groups.